The USA ordered one was $100US and $75 postage - (a total of $235AU after fees and conversion)
Better yet - instead of four weeks to get it to Darwin from Brisbane - it is 10-14 days from the US (go figure that one out! - probably buying from same US place I am and then on-posting it onto me!)
I am hoping it arrives this week sometime which gives me time to get it in to boat and have a couple of trips to refresh my freshwater billabong skills
I worked out the other day I haven't really had a decent fishing trip since before Christmas 2014
and I am starting to go nuts. Have had just a cast or two in little freshwater lake behind school for baby tarpon (sub 20cm)
If I didn't have fly tying - I would already be in a padded cell
So luckily a couple of my students have taken up fly fishing. Well casting flies I helped them make on spin gear and at least attempting the fly rod casting from time to time.
Also got badgered this morning by another student so overtly excited due to the NT Fly Fishers Social Mob doing a tying and casting demo at the Darwin Trailer Boat club over the weekend. (see NTFFSM blog)
My deckie is also suffering from a lack of fishing so has started the process of buying his own boat. who is going to make my morning coffee if he abandons ship??
Things have to change! Lets hope no delays on my package arrive in 10-14 days, hopefully closer to ten days - also in time for the May 2nd NT fly Rodders club's Corroboree comp and then the weekend after the May 9th NT Fly Fishers Social Mob freshwater get together/competition .
As I would like to fish both.
As I would like to fish both.
Until then and the timely delivery of the steering able and installation
- luck I have more fly tying - TO KEEP ME SANE AND LUCID!
- luck I have more fly tying - TO KEEP ME SANE AND LUCID!
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