Aussie Pete (Citizenship ceremony was on Monday just past, so he is not longer Canadian Pete) is keen for some of the sailfish that are hanging around in Fog bay
Friday we are planning to go fresh water in Corroboree Billabong
Here we will target Saratoga for the sportfishing aspects
But also get a few 20cm tarpon for dead bait trolling offshore of Dundee but also hoping for a few of the 40cm-50cm+ tarpon I have been hearing about being caught - for that I have a lovely little four weight rigged and ready
Have a day off Saturday for family stuff and to do all the pre-rigging of the dead baits with ganged hooks, leaders, eyes out etc, gills and mouth all wired up tight and closed to troll. Each in a zip lock bag ready for use
Sunday and Monday are the planned days for offshore Dundee dead bait trolling.
of course we will target congregations of birds and any other surface action or reef lines with the flies for what ever is about.
Will have to tie up some big arse flies 5-8inches and get the 10w setup all services and connection knots checked - for those hanger-on fish that accompany any gear hooked fish.
It is not as if I need any excuse to tie more flies though is it?
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