Why the Blog......

9 years now into the blog, and lots and lots posts on the SWOFFING (Salt Water Fly FishING) in and around Darwin - maps, flies, outings and musings

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Friday, December 5, 2014

I am still in land of living......

I am still in the land of the living but you wouldn't think it given how long since I have blogged

Crazy life at times and with school reports, painting, and other daily stuff so not much fishing lately

But I have my son coming up in a week or so
and a fly fishing mate from Perth coming up for a weeks  remote swoffing in January
over all 6 weeks of school holidays to fish at least three or four times a week weather permitting

Classes are winding down at school
So have started tying for all this SWOFFING I will HOPEFULLY be doing
I have also earned heaps of brownie points with the internal house painting so hopefully will get the time to get some serious swoffing done

Here are some soft blue surf candies I tied today for the Pelagics in the harbour
very Simple pattern to tie:........
Tie in white fibres and a touch of blue
Synthetics last longer with the toothy pelagics
while naturals look better
- choice is yours
you can even go all white

once tied in, tie off thread
then give a light layer of epoxy to the hook shank area, leaving tail section free to flutter in the current
Put on drying rotor till epoxy is set - don't be in a rush even if it takes three or four layers to build up a clear body over the tied in materials on the hook shank
Give enough layers of epoxy till appropriately sized body for the size prism eyes you are using
Again dry each layer on drying rotor
Add prism eyes, add more epoxy
More drying on rotor

Go SWOFFING - too easy

my 20 year old drying rotor
I have caught 30plus fish on the same fly before changing flies. So thanks to Mr Popovics we have a great tough as nails pattern that best of all catches most species out there.

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