Why the Blog......

9 years now into the blog, and lots and lots posts on the SWOFFING (Salt Water Fly FishING) in and around Darwin - maps, flies, outings and musings

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Monday, June 13, 2016

Calm by weekend?? - Quite windy the last few days

Well hasn't the wind been nasty the last few days?
Quite blustery by early in the morning!!!!
Hope it blows itself out by the weekend for our planned trip to Vernon Islands, an hour or so north of Darwin, given I want to head out from Nightcliffe boat ramp and go 19 nautical miles from there to Gunn Point and the Vernon Islands just beyond. 

If it doesn't stop blowing, we will have to enter the water at Leaders Creek Ramp

There is a launching fee if you want your vehicle parked in a secured area but you can launch yourself

Don't know of the fee for this.

With high tide just before dawn the trip winding out from the ramp to the bay will be fairly easy and safe but still be careful in the dark

For the week end, I am currently tying up some big poppers - based on Bob's Bangers 

These will be jointed poppers with the front being the foam popper covers in gold foil with large eyes, the popper face coloured red

The rear section of this jointed fly will be a strong hook with a tail of yellow schlappen feathers and a collar of Xmas decorations that was originally a Santa beard ($4 from one of those cheap Dollar Cents (or sense)  shops ) - basically a long pearl ice chenille.
Should entice a few of the larger specimens hang off some shallow rock bommies off Western Vernon Island and its companion islands

Here is the kick board (so much cheaper at $14 than buying a large and similar thickness sheet of it both from Clark Rubber - the sheet was $248 a square metre) and the Santa beard

Anticipation is rising....

Large queenies and trevally, tight to the fly line is all I see in my day dreams........

Every wrap of the thread on each fly is another reason to hope in its intended outcome of another fish to hand..

Go on - tie some flies.....
Get on the water, get the fly in the the water...
Get tight to some fish, tearing line through the guides of your rod......

You will never want it any other way!! 
I guarantee it!

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