Why the Blog......

9 years now into the blog, and lots and lots posts on the SWOFFING (Salt Water Fly FishING) in and around Darwin - maps, flies, outings and musings

Hope your enjoying it!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Rained out

No time for blog updates lately - I blame the finally arrived first decent wet season in five or more years which has stopped the fishing (for the soft old guys like me but also my boat off its trailer and Peter been back to Canada for family visits) ---- the wife allocated me that time instead to working on the rural block (see prev blogs) and since late January I have started a new teaching job at a new school with the usual massive learning curve (feel like I am straight out of uni again!) that my anal retentiveness has to get onto top of asap eating up all my spare time. Got most of subject paperwork done but still a few more things to learn. The first few days saw me proverbially in the fetal position sucking my thumb not knowing what I needed to know but now starting to enjoy myself. Getting there now two weeks in - even inspired a little - just what I was wanting after getting too comfortable in the last teaching role I had.

IN fact, getting so on top of work - that halfway through the week a late fishing plan was organized over a chat app with Peter (back from Canada but about to go back for 8 weeks maybe)

Both of us haven't fly fished for at least nine weeks - so the itch is at a very high level. The itch was further inflamed by a social media photo of a130cm queenie caught on a lure in the harbour earlier in the week - so something must be swimming in the harbour waters beside that huge fish

Earlier in the week we talked about it but with the amount of rain over the last three weeks the local harbour was a mud milkshake plus wind and rough seas - so by Thursday we canned the idea despite our nagging need for a SWOFF

So we decided a tying arvo would dull the ache and itch slightly (though it would probably inflame it if anything!)

However, late Friday - it only took one short message to get the plan to fish going again. However, Peter had plans for Saturday - so Sunday was allocated for a morning fish at Weed Reef to fish the turn of the tide - always a good short trip option if species of fish you want to catch doesn't matter (pelagics - queenies and brassie trevs mostly - but my pedigree cats haven't had fresh fish for a long time which the scratches on my legs prove!)

Anyway - Saturday morning was awesome weather wise - so very calm early on - wind got up at 9am but tide drop would require us to be back in by then. No rain but a touch of cloud cover to keep it cool - perfect!
But we were fishing Sunday weren't we!!!!

Saturday Night while gaining brownie points looking after kids while wife out with friends - I am eagerly preparing my gear - organizing fly boxes (popper box was so full I couldn't close it so swapped out with my 'THINGS' box - much better), then I re-tied all the leaders on the four fly rods i would be taking - I was very keen and ready to get amongst it!

Sunday 5:15am - waking up, doing the usual prep (on the can!) and the messages start flying between us
And despite the need to SWOFF - the BOM radar loop showed a very wet day was occurring - BUGGER! (it is now 9:30am and its still pouring!)

So in-between rain showers today - the 'new' trailer I bent up in a few places would be getting some work

Spent a gift voucher won at a recent fly comp at Voyager trailers for the replacement leaf spring, a couple of rollers for a few that are out of shape and the replacement U bolts for the ones I had to cut off to due to rusted nuts (don't go there!).

Thanks for the fly club support Voyager trailers!!!!

I fitted the leaf spring - U bolts still to go to re-attach the axle

As for the fly fishing - well sadly not this weekend
But we have re-sheduled for next weekend - Saturday or Sunday - undecided - lets hope we catch the good weather this time instead of the rain

In the fly tying scene - still haven't finished the crab flies - haven't even been back to the tying table for those sadly. but the plan is to get them done in time for dry season flats

anyway maybe next trip will see a tight line and screaming reels!!!!

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