Why the Blog......

9 years now into the blog, and lots and lots posts on the SWOFFING (Salt Water Fly FishING) in and around Darwin - maps, flies, outings and musings

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Sunday, July 23, 2017

first tuna from weekend

So the fight was only 12 or so minutes but it felt much longer
(edited the slower boring bits out so not to put you to sleep)

But I got such a buzz out of it
Watched the whole thing myself so many times - reliving the scenario enjoying every moment again
Worse still I want it again! can't wait till next time I can get out there and chase them

Will probably end in tears for me as this was an exceptional one off day of absolute SWOFFING with the fishing gods smiling on me and and that is a very rare thing for me

Day started off that usually way of no fish god smiles with no fish showing except for flighty inconsistent and sporadic longtail tuna always teasing my from afar - with four hours of chasing then casting and chasing then casting and chasing then casting (you get the idea!) for only one half take

But then the stars aligned perfectly and the tuna ate my flies with abandon for a bit over two hours

So seven tuna for the day to hand - lost three others at various stages of the fight
(see previous blog for full trip details)

This video was just on the was the first tuna for the day - enjoy
(sorry about some wind noise and a small drop of water on cam lens)

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