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Sunday, September 4, 2016

first dubbing brush made

So the first one worked ok - maybe even well

The base needs to be 14mm higher to suit the battery drill but two magazines under the base fixed that - will attach some ply first chance I get

I also don't like the different speed along its length that the brush spins as it is being made when comparing each end. The drill side spins fast, the other end not as much

Thinking of rigging up some sort of system (pulleys or gears or maybe a battery drill from both ends??) something to turn the brush from both ends but that all gets quite complicated

So have made the very first brush
Will make a few more
Then tie some flies - photos up soon

This first brush was mostly synthetics in first layer of material laid down, then some ice flash, then some short craft fur

Thinking of saddle hackles and ostrich hurl for the tail of the fly I hope to make later (once I make a few more brushes)
In front of this tail material wrapping a deep collar of the dubbing brush
then some 3D eyes
Also thinking of of tying some Bradley Bunnies -- must dig out my zonker collection
tie a few of these
side by side zonker for the tail, dubbing brush head wit h3D eyes also
Then go fishing - well eventually!

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