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9 years now into the blog, and lots and lots posts on the SWOFFING (Salt Water Fly FishING) in and around Darwin - maps, flies, outings and musings

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Another rod to put a bend in

Just picked up a nice older version Strudwick 8weight, not sure of the year model
Been in the back of a friend's shed for several years
She thought I might use it and gave it to me - thank you nicely, don't mind if I do!

And it is not as if I don't need another fly rod, as we all know there is always room for one more rod in the boat, or at least the rod locker or rod stand - no matter the condition. In my retirement I might start finishing off some new rod blanks with accessories and might even repair a rod or two like I did 20 plus years ago, so I will basically take what anyone will give me,even if to store it for a few years.

I also have a couple of old cane rods tuck away in storage left to me by my dry fly purist English born grandfather who brought them with him to Australia after the First World War, that are going to look awesome above my fly tying table in the new house we are building this year. One of them is not in the best condition with the cork grip gnawed a little by rodents, a few cracks, lose thread and the sealer on the guides almost turned to dust, but they were the first rods I cast as a 9 year old. One is a Thomas and Thomas rod signature cane rod just under six feet in length, a two piece 4 weight that has to be pre-1920s. The serial number's first half is unreadable. Given its state of disrepair, I would never be able to use it as it currently is and it was only ever built for dry fly fishing for speckled ferals, I wouldn't want it restored by someone else either. One day I might cast it to a large brown trout in the river near my daughters home near Invercargill,  South Island New Zealand and its mighty Southland rivers.

But this other rod I got today from the back of someone else's the shed, still looks new if a bit dusty, it is a stiff fast action rod, heavier then more modern rods but still usable - even all day
It has an intermediate line on it and a fair condition large arbor reel (will strip it down and service the drag etc but seems to be OK, if also a little dusty). I used to have a 10w Strudwick rod when they used to recommend a 10w to catch flathead on the east coast a long time ago. I wonder if it is still going strong for who ever bought at the yard sale I had 15 years ago when starting my life over after my first (and hopefully only - touch wood!) divorce.

This 8# Strudwick fly rod casts quite well when I tried it this afternoon - in fact it turned quite a tight loop - (a rarity for me! with any rod!)
Can't wait to get something big bending it to test its limits and power!

But before any on the water testing I have to weld my boat trailer up where it is rusted and broken - This work planned for next weekend - photos and write up will ensue, I promise!

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